Encryption first
HaiSoft partners with StartSSL and Comodo in order to give you more options to choose from, for the security of your website.
It is possible to validate your SSL certificate with 3 different levels in order to give maximum security to your visitors.
Maximum security when the data is transferred between the server and the browser.
Each data transmission is encrypted and signed in order to certify that the data received is not tampered with.
The identity of the website is guaranteed according to the validation level you choose.
Basic SSL certificate
- 128/256-bit key
- Domain validation (DV)
- Setup in 24 hours
- Valid for one domain
PRO SSL certificate
- 128/256-bit key
- Owner validation (OV)
- Identity validation
- Wildcard option +60€/3yr
EV SSL certificate
- 128/256-bit key
- EV validation
- Green bar
- Additional OV : 49€/3yr